POP Style!

As dog owners, we know dogs are one-of-a-kind natural characters whether they ride a skateboard, practice Yoga or strut around in a dapper bowtie. They make us smile, laugh and even feel better when we are sick. Regardless of what makes your dog a unique character, it’s worth sharing with the rest of the world to put a smile on someone’s face today.

What Is Your Dog Parenting Style?
If you go to the dog park you’ll see a wide variety of human and dog interactions and parenting styles. Some people are more attentive, while others sit on a bench in the shade and talking on the cellphone or reading a book, barely paying any attention to their dog. There are a wide variety of pet parenting styles out there. Which type of pet parent are you and what does it say about you?
Helicopter parenting may not be the best strategy for raising kids, but recent research from UC Berkeley says that a healthy measure of clinginess and over-protectiveness could actually be advantageous when rearing a dog. People who showed the highest levels of dependence on their pets, also often express the greatest affection for them. Dogs require lifelong parenting, and they certainly get it from a helicopter parent. If you are a helicopter parent you probably buy only the best for your canine companion: no generic dog food (you may even cook for your dog), plus plenty of vitamins, supplements, and nutrition based treats. Helicopter parents dress dogs for weather conditions, pulling out a warm sweater for a cold day. You might take a day off from work if your dog is not feeling well, or limit your own vacation time to avoid being away from your dog too long, and you may even use a webcam or Instagram to keep an eye on your pet when you're away or capture every moment of your life together. If you have this kind of time on your hands, odds are you don't have human kids to take care of.
The authoritarian parent has strict rules, and rules are not meant to be broken. Dogs with an authoritarian parent are usually treated as pets, and not members of the human family. These dogs probably don't have the full run of the house, and may be delegated to designated areas of the house or property such as the yard, a dog house, or the mud room on those colder nights. These pets are not being abused, and yet they are not being spoiled: nobody is sneaking them an extra treat, and mealtimes mean they get a prescribed amount of food at a specific time and in a specific place. Authoritarian pet parents are generally very responsible about feeding, grooming, sheltering and exercising their canine companions. If you are this kind of parent, you may want to consider relaxing the rules sometimes… a few spontaneous snuggles and little play time with your dog (who loves you regardless) is a joyful experience that everyone should experience sometimes.
What kind of pet parent are you? Sound off in the comments below!